Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Monday 12 July 2004

Service Station Somewhere Between Krakow


Service Station Somewhere Between Krakow & Warsaw, Poland.

Bump bump bump bump.

The bumping began just after 05.00 and as bad as anything on the road from Moscow to Riga; but the Crimson bus didn't have as much rattling & pinging of glasses hitting each other on each bump.

Bump rattle bump ping bump bump rattle ping.

At one point the bus stopped, probably to change drivers (AKA having a cigarette & coca cola). The stationary bus, with motor running, managed to generate a new rattle, between the frame of the vehicle & an internal panel, the panel in my bunk, by my ear. I managed to quiet this by lying face down on the pillow, with left elbow placed on the panel, exerting pressure. This succeeded in quelling the vibration that stopped, of its own accord, when we set off a few minutes later.

Bump rattle bump bump ping bump rattle ping ping rattle bump. Carsten's Symphony Of The Beast began again.

At the exit from these services, onto to the single-lane national highway, indicates left to Krakow & right to Warsaw. I would like to go to Krakow, where Jeff Fayman & his family have recently arrived. I would like to go to Warsaw, to play music (following a night in a stationary bed). A win-win situation, then.

12.18 The Beast says we are making good time.

The bumping has subsided somewhat, although it did get worse since the last entry. A glass has smashed in the kitchenette area & glass is about on the kitchen top & corridor.

The countryside is quite beautiful & we have been driving through small communities. Some of these might strike urban eyes as "quaint". I love buildings in the vernacular. The contemporary architecture, while no doubt providing welcome modern amenities such as water, light & heat, to these eyes, clashes with that vernacular. Most noticeably, the proportions don't work. When Wimborne moved into the modern world, c. 1967-75, it was very much the same. In Wimborne, any building over 100 years old was considered fit for demolition.

18.25 Hotel Acceptable, Warsaw.

If the high-speed data point was actually connected to a server, this would be a Hotel Very Acceptable. An Ethernet cable does connect the desk to a computer, but the firm that installed the wiring hasn't connected the system to a server. Not a great deal of use, then. Pooey pooey.

A Room With Two Views: East --


South --


A day off after a long, bumpy, hard drive. Gentling & catching up.

20.31 A mostly grey, damp day.

